Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11, 2010

Tonight we cleaned our living room/play area carpet! I just love cleaning carpet. Really I hate it but only because this carpet is old and really just needs to be replaced. Henry decided to feed himself tonight...which is why he looks like such a mess. He is headed to the bath tub real soon.


Journaling Fun

Today and yesterday have been kind of rough for me. I cannot really put my finger on it but I have been feeling kind of down. I hate when I feel like this especially because Sean wants to know what is wrong and he gets frustrated because I cannot tell him. I would love to explain why I feel down but I don't know! I don't know if this is a normally feeling but it is something I just kind of deal with.
I will admit that when I feel down it is hard for me to not just sit on the couch and eat! Which obviously is counterproductive to my goals. So I am working really hard at staying off the couch and avoiding the kitchen. I have a lot of housework so that helps.
My trip to the gym was productive today though! So that is always a great thing...right? Today was a lifting day and I did about 30 minutes of cardio too. I weighed myself and lost a little too. I weigh in everyday so I know that my body weight fluctuates but it nice to see a lose. Hopefully I will be down at least 2 pounds on my official weigh-in day on Monday!
The weekends always kick my butt as far as eating. So i am hoping to stay focused this weekend.
Hopefully this wicked mood will go away soon. I don't like feeling down especially when I don't know why. I am not normally so sensitive or weepy but the last couple of days I have been.
Pictures will be up later this evening.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 10, 2010


Random Thoughts

Today I hit the gym for some cardio. I kind of mixed it up today which is always a nice change of pace. I got back to running today...I had a cold last week and it threw my running off track. It was nice to get back to running though I only did 15 minutes but hey at least I was running. The gym was showing one of the Rocky movies in the Cardio Theater, those movies always gets me motivated. I also did 15 minutes on the Elliptical, 15 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes walking on the treadmill.
While doing my cardio and watching the movie I realized how rude people have become. There were 2 ladies that thought that the Cardio theater was a great place to hold a loud conversation while working out. I was just shocked that people seriously believe it is okay to hold a conversation during a movie. I was rather annoyed but of course kept my mouth shut though I really wanted to say something. I must admit since we moved here to Vegas I have noticed more and more rude and disrespectful people. I don't know if it is Vegas or if I have just become more aware of it.
Anyway that is my rant for today. I did weigh myself today and I lost about 1.5 pounds. My actual weigh-in day is Monday but I always hope on the scale to make sure I am on track each day. That way if I need to adjust something I can before I get to the end of my week.
Spark People so far has been very easy to use and a great tool to add to my weight loss journey.
Well I will get my daily pictures posted later this evening!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have been working on my weight loss for years but finally decided that I was done being overweight on my birthday. I realized that I want to be a healthy, active person not the overweight, lazy person I had become. So Dec. 1st, 2009 I started my final weight loss journey. I am of course still working my way through this journey and I must admit it is hard...I mean really hard.
The past couple weeks I have seen the numbers going up instead of going down. I got really discouraged which in turn caused me to eat more and exercise less. Those negative decisions caused those numbers to go up even more. I am pleased to say that I am still about 10 pounds below my starting weight but about 6-7pounds above my lowest weight (so far).
I decided today that I needed some extra help so I joined Spark People. I am hoping that using their website and iTouch App will help me on this weight loss journey so that I can be successful.
One of the challenges that I have given myself(thanks to Spark People) is to journal everyday. I thought about setting up an entirely different blog or journaling on their website but realized one more thing to keep up with would be more of a challenge and time consuming than just using this blog for pictures and journaling...that is what a blog is all about right?
So not only will you get pictures when you visit my blog you will also get the opportunity to follow my weight loss journey no matter how ugly, frustrating or wonderful the journey is.

Weekend Recap

Well this weekend we didn't do a whole lot but as you can tell Henry kept busy. Today at the gym I realized that I have been avoiding my blog because I am struggling with the weight loss and don't have much confidence in myself right now. I am hoping that I can refocus, start posting consistently and gain the confidence that I need. By the way the last two pictures are of Henry's "first Mohawk".

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend pictures

Will be up tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 4, 2010

No more wallpaper!!!

For months now I have wanted to peel off the wallpaper in our kitchen. It was a very dark paper and made the kitchen much darker. I had started the project by peeling just a bit off at a time a couple months ago but then things came up and it went to the back burner. So I decided tonight was the night I was going to peel it off. I plan to repaint the kitchen once I figure out what I want to do. I want to really redo the entire kitchen: new counter tops, new or refinished cabinets, new get the picture. Those things will eventually happen just slowly. If you have ideas please share. By the way the first few pictures are the after pictures because I messed up when I uploaded them.

Ignore the clutter please my counters are normally clear of clutter but since I was taking the wallpaper off things got moved.

Another view.

And this is the you can see the paper is dark and I am sure you understand it makes the kitchen darker. I don't really enjoy wallpaper anyway so I was happy to get it off.
Well I didn't have time to take other pictures today so these are my 365 pictures for today!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb. 2 and 3

The first picture was taken tonight while I was searching for scholarships to apply for....I wasn't as successful as I had hoped. I will keep searching though! The other two pictures are of Henry "helping" me bake cookies last night. He loves to get in the cupboard and take out all of my pots and pans. Well back to the scholarship search!


Monday, February 1, 2010

365 Challenge: Jan 31 and Feb 1

Well the first two pictures are from Sunday and the last two are from today. I know the last one isn't good quality but I just love it anyway. We went down to Bass Pro Shop this morning and then hit the gym this afternoon. I am cleaning the house tonight...which is when I took my picture today.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

365 Challenge: Jan. 30, 2010

So we spent the afternoon at the park today. This was Henry's first trip to a park and he sure had a lot of fun. Sean and one of his friends tossed the football around while Henry and I played with Henry's new ball. He really enjoyed watching his Dad play with the football but even more so enjoyed watching all the kids play, ride bikes etc. We spent an hour or so at the park and only left because it was starting to get chilly as the sun started to drop behind the mountains. I took a lot of pictures and can't pick my favorites so I am going to share a bunch with you. Since I posted a Throwback picture of myself earlier I am just posting Henry's pictures tonight.

Throwback Saturday

I have decided to create a "special-themed day" for my blog...feel free to follow suit if you want. Saturday's will be a throw back picture....something from at least a year or so ago. I think this will be fun to take a look at the changes over the years. So today since I don't have many old pictures on this computer I will be sharing a picture from Sean's BMT graduation. I promise to get some older ones up in the coming weeks. If you decide to join me for Throwback Saturdays let me know!


Friday, January 29, 2010

365 Challenge: Jan. 29, 2010

I have the beginnings of a cold so today has been kind of a lazy day around here except tonight I am doing my weekly babysitting of my friends kiddos.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

365 Challenge: Jan. 28, 2010


Well after much thought I have decided to finish my degree and even figured out what to major in! This is a big accomplishment for me. I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to do for several years. I have about 2 1/2 years or less of school left. So once I get back into classes I will be able to get my degree finished before Sean's enlistment is up. That is really important to me because I know at this point in time Sean doesn't want to stay in the Air Force after this enlistment so I need to be able to get a job if he does get out.
I am so excited to know that I will be completing my degree FINALLY. Oh you probably want to know what I am majoring in huh? I am majoring in Accounting and minoring in Business Administration. I will be attending UMUC mainly because I don't want to have to transfer credits (again) if Sean gets orders elsewhere before I finish. Plus online courses will be much easier for me with Henry than having to find affordable (that's laughable in Vegas) childcare while I go to classes.
Anyway I am kind of rambling on but I am excited.
Alright back to your regular scheduled programming.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I fell off the wagon quickly huh?
I promise I will get back to this. My husband, Sean, changed shifts at work and as much as we love the shift change it has taken a while to get back into a routine.
Not much has been happening around here other than getting into a smooth routine and I am sure now that we have gotten into a routine something will come up and change it again right?
Oh yeah...Henry has learned to climb up on to the coffee table. It is so funny, he gets up there and can't figure out to get down.
Well I have a picture of him climbing and just a plain one of me. I will work harder to accomplish a daily post.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010