For months now I have wanted to peel off the wallpaper in our kitchen. It was a very dark paper and made the kitchen much darker. I had started the project by peeling just a bit off at a time a couple months ago but then things came up and it went to the back burner. So I decided tonight was the night I was going to peel it off. I plan to repaint the kitchen once I figure out what I want to do. I want to really redo the entire kitchen: new counter tops, new or refinished cabinets, new flooring...you get the picture. Those things will eventually happen just slowly. If you have ideas please share. By the way the first few pictures are the after pictures because I messed up when I uploaded them.

Ignore the clutter please my counters are normally clear of clutter but since I was taking the wallpaper off things got moved.

Another view.

And this is the BEFORE...as you can see the paper is dark and I am sure you understand it makes the kitchen darker. I don't really enjoy wallpaper anyway so I was happy to get it off.
Well I didn't have time to take other pictures today so these are my 365 pictures for today!
1 comment:
I don't see any clutter... *hides*
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